GASA Oceania Chapter
Join the fight against scams by becoming a member of the Oceania GASA chapter
GASA Oceania carries the vision and mission of GASA in the Central and South Pacific region.
The Chapter
meets regularly among the founding companies which forms its executive committee to discuss collaborations;
have open events for GASA members to interact, exchange ideas and network; and
organises impactful projects such as Summits and research projects to raise awareness and cooperation against scams
GASA Oceania Board
Chair: Brent Carey, Netsafe
Vice-Chair: Pua Hunter, The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE)
Toby Evans, AusPayNet
Sam Stuart, Mastercard
Cheryl Seeto, Meta
Vinitesh Kumar, Fijian Competition & Consumer Commission
Paul Brislen, New Zealand Telecommunications Forum (TCF)

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