GASA Singapore Chapter
Join the fight against scams, join the Singapore GASA chapter
GASA Singapore is the first chapter of GASA which carries the vision and mission of GASA in Singapore.
The Chapter:
meets regularly among the founding companies which forms its executive committee to discuss collaborations;
have open events for GASA members to interact, exchange ideas and network; and
organizes impactful projects such as Summits and research projects to raise awareness and cooperation against scams
Executive committee of GASA Singapore
Patron: Mr Tan Kiat How, Senior Minister of State (Ministry of Communications & Information and Ministry of National Development)
Chair: Mastercard
Vice-Chair: Amazon

Apply to Join
If you are a thought leader or organization that is currently involved in mitigating frauds and scams,
please kindly submit this expression of interest and our selection committee will reach out to you.